Thinking of growing Dahlias in your garden? Stop!!! Read this before you do!

I have a little advice for you. Don’t do it!!! Stop!!! Forget it!!!
Step away from the tubers!

Why this passionate denial of these beautiful flowers?  This is to save your sanity, maybe even your relationship. If your partner is not like minded, these gorgeous petals could be the beginning of the end!  Yes, they are that bad!

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way. I know I did my due diligence. You were warned!!! Now on to the good stuff. 🙂

Dahlias, in particular giant Dahlias are addictive. Some, not many, are able to resist the urge to continually add “just one more” to their garden. Most gardeners, like me, are unable to resist the call of these seductive sirens.

I started with one, just one…, now every spring I expand my flower bed. Juusstt a couple more inches.  Every year, I see one more Dahlia,  just one more what’s the harm in that?

The harm is very harmful (yeah I know). It’s can become an addiction!!! I started with Gloriosa. One!!! One, Dahlia did it and ever since then I’ve had about 50 different dahlias. I kid you not. Some did not make it through the winter and I was not able to replace the tubers.

10 things you should prepare for and expect when you add dahlias to your garden:

  1. An extreme almost irresistible desire to expand your colony (flower bed).
  2. Comments/possible arguments from/with your significant other.
  3. Your kids may shake their head in sympathy as you smile from ear to ear just looking at those flowers.
  4. The loss of lawn space as you make room for “just one more”. Don’t worry, what harm can one more do? Exactly!
  5. Loss of space indoors. This is caused by the urge to start your dahlia earlier, while outside is still snow covered. This will guarantee you those blossoms earlier and longer.
  6. Oh the selection… these beautiful blooms comes in small, medium, big and huge!!!
  7. They’ll turn you into a liar! “I won’t buy anymore. I have enough. I have no more room”. BUT you will buy more! You will make room!
  8. Skeptical looks from friends and family when you tell them you won’t buy anymore.
  9. “She’s crazy” side glances from friends and family as you tell them about the newest edition to the family (no I don’t mean a pet or a baby).
  10. The pleasure you feel once they start to blossom.
  11. Physical labour. If you want to reuse the tubers for the next growing season, you got to uproot and store those babies..
  12. The endless supply of cut flowers for your vase. Get another vase, take some to work, brighten up your work space.
  13. If your cut them, they will bloom. Cut off the dead blossoms and you get more blossoms
  14. Last but certainly not least and absolutely the most important. THE SMILES YOU GET FROM EVERYONE WHEN YOU BRING THEM A BOUQUET OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOMS! Take that naysayers! In your face!

Yeah, like I said 10 things :).


Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Blooming Time!

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Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                                    Start Dahlia’s from cutting 


Cut Flowers                                                                                  Dahlia in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                                 What’s The Buzz


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