Flower Power

I know I hide it well but I love gardening. It’s a source of comfort for me. I love playing in the dirt and I love seeing my babies bloom and I love adding to my little nursery.

Some think I may be addicted to gardening but I am not!
The fact that one hides plants in the backyard before a certain nosy son comes  running out to see if one has purchased another plant, does not mean one has an obsession 😐!!!

So on my birthday, I decided that I would do NOTHING!  I grabbed my remote and headed to Netflix, watched a few Nollywood movies and chilled.

Later that afternoon, I remembered I added the documentary “Wings of Life” to my Disney+ watch list, it looked interesting and well… it’s about something I was interested in.
I swore I would not get Disney+. I mean , come on another streaming network, it’s an obvious a money grab but then… 2020.  I’ll just leave that there.

I got my glass of Pino Grigio (don’t judge me, it’s my birthday!!!), I sank into my spot and pressed play.

The preview did not prepare me for this documentary. Within 10 minutes I was hooked. My eyes were glued to the screen and I was excited to see what came next, my daughter of course rolled her eyes and left, acting like I got a problem 😊.

I was captivated because the story was being told from the perspective of the flower, the flower! Did I mention from the perspective of THE FLOWER!!!

It was a documentary about pollinators, so I just expected hailing of the birds, insects and bats as they usually do.  Now I was intrigued with the story of the flower.
It was a sassy little flower too, I liked that 😊. There was also a sexy twist, believe it or not to how the flower told its story and the Orchid… oh my, bad flower.
If you listened to the flower, narrated by Meryl Streep, it owns the pollinators.

Flower: This is the story of one of the most vital and ingenious of all living things, It’s my story, I’m a flower. Without us humans might not survive

It also fascinated me because it also tied right into one of my other passions, Photography. I don’t know how they set up their cameras or how long it took them to compile all this footage, but the cinematography was absolutely amazing. The proximity to the subjects,  the details, the perspective of the shots, extremely well done. Oh and the music was spot on.

Hummingbirds, I love them, got my flowers and homemade nectar to attract them to my garden. They look so cute and fragile but these little guys are fiercely territorial and man can they fight.
The battle of the Hummingbirds…EPIC and the music for the battle scene…EPIC!!! DAMMMUUUUMMM Disney!

Mexico has been on my bucket list, not for the beaches but for the mountains. Every fall millions, yes I said millions, of Monarch butterflies migrate to the mountains of Central Mexico. After seeing this documentary, I just pushed that visit another notch up on my list, to see it in person would be beyond amazing.

This documentary takes us to the lush rain forest, the desert, farm land,  urban gardens and to modern greenhouses. Green houses that still need the assistance of the humble hardworking little Bumble Bee.

There was definitely some Disney magic involved in putting this documentary together. To be that up close and personal as  we follow Butterflies making their way back up North.  The Bees as they buzz pollinate some of our favorite fruits and vegetables.  The beautiful, not so delicate, Hummingbirds and going batty for Bats in the dessert.

This flower is on a power trip.

*** As indicated by the watermark, I do not own these images.

The Bee, the Butterfly, the Hummingbird, the Bats right up to us humans, we see just how dependent we all are on the flower.

As the flower states quite rightly “People take care of us and spread our seeds.  Who is in control of whom, really?

I’m in no way promoting Disney+ but if you do have it and you love to garden, love photography or  if you just want to watch a fascinating documentary, why not give it a gander.

If this documentary does not make you want to plant SOMETHING, nothing will!

As we continue with social distancing measures, I’d like to take a few minutes to  remind you of the mental and physical benefits of gardening.
Remember to Do Something That Makes Your Soul Glow

So tell me, Who’s Your Dahlia? 
It’s About Bloomin’ Time!