A Rose By Any Other Name

Each month has a birth flower and each flower is assigned certain characteristics. Some believe that the persons born in that month will inherit certain characteristics of the flower(s).

June’s birth flower(s) is the Rose (and Honeysuckle). So what does a Rose signify?  Roses represents things like love, passion, romance, purity and gratitude.

There are hundreds of species of Roses and tens of thousands of cultivars. These can broken down into three groups: old Roses, modern Roses and species Roses.

Roses are used by the beauty and health industry in perfumes, as antioxidants and as an anti-inflammatory to name a few.

Did you know: Roses petals contain vitamin C and are eaten in salads and desserts.

Depending on what side you’re on, the giving and getting of Roses can cause it’s own drama. Roses are the national flowers of England and has drama in it’s history. One story being, in the 15th century, the red Rose was the emblem of the Lancaster family and the white Rose the emblem for the Yorks family. In 1455 to 1487 these two families competed to rule England.  The Rose drama doesn’t just stop at these two families.
Rose even have a connection to a World war, learn more about the Peace Rose.

Although red Roses tend to get all the attention, the meaning of a Rose changes depending on the  colour, even by the quantity given.


Orange – Enthusiasm and passion
Pink – Gratitude, grace, admiration and joy
Red – Love and romance
White – Innocence and purity
Yellow – Friendship



One – Love at first sight
Two – Shared and deep love
Three – I love you
Five – Love for a special person
Six – I want to be yours
Seven – I’m infatuated with you
Nine – Eternal love
Ten – You’re perfect
Twelve – Asks someone to be yours
Twenty-four – Lets someone know they’re always on your mind

So the next time you give or receive Roses, understand the meaning of them. Of course, you should also keep in mind that not every one knows their meaning and you may have simply been given some pretty flowers :).

Why not include some Roses in your garden. The come in so many shades and varieties that your bound to find some that appeal to you.

Don’t have much outdoor space?  Mini Roses can be grown indoors, simple follow instructions for care and voila!!! Some mini Roses smell amazing and all mini Roses can be planted outdoors. Most if not all are winter hardy and will come back in the spring. Just prepare them for the winter like you do your regular Rose bushes.

What’s your favourite Rose?  Until next time as Juliet said…

A Rose by any other name will smell as sweet

Always remember to  Do Something That Makes Your Soul Glow

So tell me… Who’s Your Dahlia 😉 ?