Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner(plate)

Ah yes, Dinner Plate Dahliaslove. If you didn’t think Dahlias couldn’t get an better, just wait till you meet the Dinner Plate Dahlias, they are definitely in #my100top10dahlias😍

So what’s the deal with Dinner Plates? Are they really as big as dinner plates? Can they really be that big? Why, Yes! Yes, they can and they are!

Just an idea of how big they can be. This is a Kelvin Floodlight and yup, that’s my face behind it. 🙂 #dreadlockdahliadiva

These aren’t the Dinner Plates that sit on your dining table, they grow in your garden. Dinner Plate Dahlias are call Dinner Plates because of their size, up to 12 inches (plus) in some cases. 

Kelvin Floodlight
Kelvin Floodlight

This is a Kelvin Floodlight, (we had a bit of a windy day and a few of my babies were broken). What better way to salute them than in pictures. Just the idea that this flower, grows from such a small bud just makes you admire them even more. Even though the flowers are so gi-normass (to quote Buddy the Elf), the plants for Dinner Plates may not necessarily be so.

They tend to be anywhere from 3 to 5 feet tall. Of course the height of the plants will be directly affected by the amount of sun the plant receives. soil conditions etc. The more sun, the larger/stronger the plant and the bigger the blooms.

And yes! We love Dinner Plate Dahlias! I’ve grown a few Dinner Plate Dahlias and I get excited waiting to see just how big these babies will grow.

Want even bigger blooms? Try disbudding your dahlias.

There is one small catch,  the bigger the flower the more strain is put on the stem. Dahlia stems are hollow and brittle. The wind, the rain and even the weight of their own flowers can cause them to break.  The sheer weight of these blooms may cause the stem to bend as the flowers grow in size. It may even eventually cause the branches to break.

Another reason why fertilizing and proper maintenance for these giant dahlias are so important for these giants. They need to be  strong as possible to support these blossoms.

Kelvin Floodlight
And it keeps growing and growing 🙂

Unfortunately, even staking your plant won’t always stop them from suffering breakage, you can’t stake the flowers grin . Unless you trim you plant relentlessly until there’s just the main stem,  there’s always the risk of breakage.

You can also reduce the load by disbudding your plant. This reduces the number of buds on the stem, thereby reducing, the number of blooms on the brance, which in turn reduces the weight. Which will lower the chance of the plant breaking. Which will produce a larger flower.


Did I mention it just keeps growing?

Want some more on your dinner plate? Follow us in Instagram to see more.

Soon you’ll have a huge flower that you can add to your bouquet, or hide you face and snap a picture like I did above!

Find out how to make your cut flowers last longer?

Dreadlock Dahlia Diva – It’s About Bloomin’ Time!


Kelvin Floodlight is also featured in our Dahlias Behaving Badly series. Cheers!

Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                                Start Dahlia’s from cutting 


Cut Flowers                                                                          Dahlia in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                            What’s The Buzz