Compost – So You think It’s A Waste (get it?🤣)

I know don’t give up my day job!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Ok, this post is going to start with a major first world rant.  😊  So here goes…

So the city sent out a notice, telling us that we’ll soon be getting compost bins. My first reaction, UGH!!!! Great another huge bin in my driveway. On top of that our garbage pickup was changing from weekly to bi-weekly. Double UGH!!! What am I supposed to do with all my all my garbage? Where the heck am I going to find stuff to fill compost bin? What a waste of time and space!!! Even though I do try to be environmental, my next thought “Those green people! I tell you”.

I grumbled when they dropped off the bin, I grumbled while I placed the bin at the top of my driveway and I grumbled when I put the smaller bin in the house. I grumbled just thinking about how inconvenient (to me 😊) this all was.

Fast forward to the first week with the bins. I noticed that I had no problem filling the smaller bin on my counter because it suddenly occurred to me how much fresh produce I actually use and how much of that was actually going into my weekly garbage.

I don’t particularly use a lot of canned or frozen produce, I keep some for those “just in case” situations but usually go fresh.

My little bin started filling up with remnants of fruits, vegetables and eggs shells. Again it struck me just how much of this organic waste was actually being throw in my garbage.

Banana peels, onion peels, tomato seeds, cabbage and string beans. Leftovers all goes to the compost!

Once these scraps were no longer part in my regular household waste, I suddenly had less garbage on a weekly basis.   Less organic waste going into the landfills.

***When organic waste decomposes, it creates Methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas.

*** Did you know Organic waste can make up, up to 50% of household garbage? 

Add to this, I am an avid gardener. Now, instead of disposing of my garden waste in the regular waste, I now  add it to my compose bin. Since I have two large beds, I have no problem filling mybin.

  • Deadhead your Dahlia/flowers – compost
  • Mow your lawn – compost
  • Trim those hedges – compost
  • Pull up those weeds – compost
  • Trees, shrubs anything green – compost.

I’m thinking I may need two bins now

We are a bit more trash aware and now make a bigger effort to reduce the trash we generate. Of course I’m sure we could do better but I’m thinking Captain Planet would be proud of us.

Looking forward to the fall but not to bagging those leaves? Well it’s Fall and  here’s what you can do with those leaves.

I haven’t started backyard composting yet but I would like to at some point in time. Until then, this is my contribution. Since our city started it’s compost program, we personally have kept 1000’s of pounds  of organic waste out of the landfill. Multiply that by the thousands of residents who are now composting in my/your city.

One person can definitely make a difference!

Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Bloomin’ Time!

Remember – Do Something That Makes Your Soul Glow!!!

Some more blooming information!
Start Dahlias Indoors         Dahlias in Containers

Butterfly Kisses                  What’s The Buzz

Start Dahlia’s from cutting  Cut Flowers