BeeLieve It


If everything is honey 
And I am what I eat
I must be made of honey
And life is very sweet
                             Winnie the pooh.

Summer is in full swing complete  our little buzzing buddies, the bees.
This year I made an bigger effort to plant more flowers to attract even more bees and butterflies.
I added more Dahlias specifically to attract butterflies and bee (as if I really needed a reason to add more dahlias to my garden grin) .

Try these Dahlias to attract bees and butterflies:

Variegated Dahlias are definitely in the top 100 of my top 10 favorite Dahlias wink.  The Smarty Dahlia is usually pink and white but like all Variegated Dahlias, you’re guaranteed to get a surprise. They ALWAYS produce flowers in one of the colors of the Dahlia.  

Smarty Dahlia – This Plant has produced pink and white, pink, white and even dark red flowers.

Dahlias in generally are divas. They love to look pretty, love to be taken cared of and they are not very good at sharing. As you can see on this Seattle Dahlia, they keep their pollen well protected.


There are however, the few that’s open to sharing and  invite bees and butterflies to dine as often and as much as the’d like. These Dahlias are not as compact, they have less petals, generally one layer which allows easy access to their pollen. 


Want to attract more hard working pollinators to your Bee and Butterfly Buffet?  Try adding some Sunflowers,  Zinnias and Echinacea  to your garden.

About one-third of all crops, including almost all fruits and non-grain vegetables, are pollinated by honeybees. This includes many of our favorite foods like oranges, apples, coffee, and of course, honey. Check out a short list of some more of your favorites! Commercial beekeepers are hired by farmers to pollinate their fields. This is done by placing beehives near the farmers’ fields for a few weeks. The plants are pollinated while bees collect nectar for their hives.

Bee-lieve it, it’s true!!! – Did you know pollen is collected by female bees, using hairs on their legs and underbellies.

Bee-lieve it, it’s true!!!Did you know the taste of honey is determined by the type of flowers the bees used to collect the nectar?

How can you help?

Simple, plant wild flowers. If  like me you are scared of them, plant the flowers away from any passage way and your door ways.

Did you know the queen has little control in a hive? Find out why being a Queen Bee is nothing to buzz about.  Read more on why we need to save the bees!

Bee-lieve it, it’s true!!! Did you know beeswax is used in moisturizers, hand creams, lip balm, lip gloss, cosmetics, hair products and other products.

Bee-lieve it, it’s true!!!The bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man

Just like any other animal bees will attack if they feel they are being threatened.

– If you see a swarm of bees, they usually making a nest. Just walk away! Leave them alone and they will leave you alone!
– Stay away from their nests. These nests might be found in woodpiles, old tires, sheds, garages, decks, cans, or boxes.
– Listen for buzzing. If you hear it, slowly walk away.
– If you find yourself near bees, move slowly. Don’t wave your arms and leap around. The bees may think you are an enemy and will attack.
– If a bee lands on you, stand still and let it fly away on its own. Don’t try to swat it away.
– Don’t bother single bees. They are usually out flying from flower to flower and won’t sting if you leave them alone.
– Avoid a swarm of bees. Bees swarm in large numbers to make nests, not to attack people. Just walk slowly away if
you see a swarm.

Remember: bees won’t sting you if you leave them alone!

I hope this makes it a little easier for you to welcome the pollinators to your yard.

Who’s Your Dahlia
It’s About Blommin’ Time!