About Us

In the words of the immortal Jean Valjean ” Who am I?” Well…

Ever driven around a neighborhood and saw a lady out in the rain digging in the mud and gently placing her plants in the ground?

Welllll… that crazy lady would be me.

I met a quite a few of my neighbors through my garden. I’ve often been introduced as the plant lady. I’ve even met total strangers through my garden.

Through my garden, I also met a wonderful lady who lived next door to me. She became like a mother to me and grand-mother to my children. She would come outside, sit on her deck with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

She’d sit there and smile at me while I was ankle deep in dirt and say “So whatcha doing?”. I would reply “not planting anything new”. To which she’d reply “Sure Ok!” and just sit and watch me as I dug a new hole.
As spring approaches, I start getting restless. I look (more like glare) at the snow outside, willing it to melt so I can get my hands in the dirt. But… while I wait,
I turn my half of my dining area into a nursery, so when the snow finally melts… I’M READY!!!! YES!!

They say the best way to solve a problem is to admit it, so here is my admission. “My favorite flower is the Dahlia”. There I feel much better.

Hello, my name is Veronica one of my favorite four letter words is “dirt”. Not in the house but in my flower bed. I am told I have an addiction to gardening, needless to say I totally disagree.
I am also an amateur photographer which I use to feed this supposed obsession, which I will never admit to.

As with all children, I of course blame my mother. My mother could not walk pass a flower stand or gardening center without stopping. She did however manage to pass that obsession on to my siblings and I.
Plants just appear at my home, I am not sure where they come from but they just show up. My mother was always kind to strays so, I just follow her example.

It’s gotten to the point where my children will actually grab my arm and pull me away from anywhere they see plants.

My goal is to create the Lydia Dahlia, in honor of my mother.

Most women sneak clothes and shoes into their homes, I sneak plants. I empty my car before my son comes out of the house to check if I bought any plant paraphernalia plants or anything to do with plants.

I use the word paraphernalia because according to my teenage son, plants are my crack cocaine. I like to remind them all that they are looking at their future. I got this from my mother, after all!

Years ago, after the birth of my first daughter, I developed my second obsession. Photography!!! Like most people, I just never followed through. I’ve now decided to combine both my passions. I am neither a professional at gardening nor photography, I do it for the pleasure it brings to me and to others.

This site is not only about Dahlias and gardening in general it’s also dedicated to my love of nature and nature photography. I hope you enjoy!!

Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Blooming Time!

Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                Start Dahlia’s from cutting 


Cut Flowers                                                       Dahlia in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                   What’s The Buzz