September blooms


If you’re born in September, your birth flowers are the Aster and the Morning Glory .

Morning Glory
Morning Glory

Like their name suggests, they definitely are a glory in the mornings.
If you’re planning to include Morning Glory in your garden, be very careful where you plant these beauties.
They are gorgeous but just like in real estate the location, location, location matters.
They come in shades of blues, purples, yellows, pinks, reds, white and even variegated. Your garden will be blessed with beauteous blooms from early summer to first frost and like the name suggests they are a glory to behold.

*** Morning Glory seeds are poisonous, so keep away from children and pets

Amazing variety of colours. I do not own this image

Let the seeds fall where they may? Wellll… maybe not. Y  you may regret that decision. This plant is persistent, if you plant  them, you then  decide you don’t want them in that specific spot,  it can take years to get rid of them.
Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of the last one,  another plant pops up.
They self seed and these seeds are very resilient. You only need to plant these babies once, they only need to bloom once. Tho seeds
When the plant dies in the Fall, the seeds will grow the following Spring.
They over winter very well.

Morning Glory attaches itself to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, including neighbouring  plants. It grows like it’s on steroids and it can be invasive and will cover whatever it can attach it’s tendrils to .😒

This is from 1 seed. ONE SEED (and that’s still a baby)!!!In botany it called “whorling”, I call it “suffocating other plants in a death grip as it grows towards the sun.” Too much? Maybe. 😜

Do I still grow Morning Glory? Heck yeah! They are gorgeous. They and their cousins, go well with my morning coffee, or afternoon wine😊.
I just moved it to a location where I can better “control” it. I give the vine room to grow but I have easier access to maintain and to train the vines.

Need another reason to plant Morning Glory? Pollinators love them. You can attract Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies to your yard by adding them to your garden.

It’s always About Bloomin’ Time!, somewhere
Have yourself a bloomin’ good day?

So tell me Who’s Your Dahlia? 😉