Cut And Come Again!

Summer time and the living is easy

Who needs to buy fresh flowers when you have a garden of Dahlias?

I’m not sure if I mentioned it before but people think I am a bit of a gardening addict. I believe those people have issues but I digress…

So, there I was perusing the movies on Netlfix and my eyes popped open in delight when I came across a few British shows on gardening.

Needless to say, my children just rolled their eyes and walked away. I’m not worried though because I know their turn is coming.

In almost every episode of this gardening show, someone used the term “cut and come again”.  I’m thinking  waaaaa!!!! What the heck does that even mean? 

All it means is; if you cut off the dead flowers, it will encourage the plant to produce more flowers. Duhh!!! Translation, deadheading!

Which brings me to my topic today. Deadheading/Cut and come again!
I just love the Brits and their terminology. So much simpler. You Cut and it Comes again!  Whereas deadhead sounds bit tragic, screams of a crime scene.

If you want your Dahlias to keep blooming and you want you must deadhead the plants. Not only will your plant (and as a result your garden) look much cleaner, it will encourages the plant to produce an abundance of blooms.

Blooms that, if you’re like me, you’ll giggle like a school girl every time you see them and can’t wait to relish in their beauty.

You can’t wait to sit outside with your glass of wine, cup of coffee, cup of tea or whatever floats you boat. It could even be with your furry pal. I’ve done it with all. #Cleo.

Simple Pleasures! Take them whenever and where ever  you can.

Cut flowers

Since deadheading your plants provides so many flowers. We’ll new need to know how to make them last longer once they’re cut and brought inside. 

*** This can be done to any cut flower
It’s very simple. Once you cut the flowers, run hot water over the cut ends (I usually cut mine at an angle). This helps to seal in moisture which in turn prolongs the life of the cut flowers. Which in turn prolongs the time you get to enjoy these beauties.

You can also just add boiling water (or hot water from the tap) to a vase, add the cut flowers directly to it. Some people leave it in a darker area in the house until it cools down and bring it out once cooled.

I purchased this lovely ceramic jug for $4.00. Not bad at all.
I purchased this lovely ceramic jug at a thrift store for $4.00. Not bad at all.

Just a few things that goes without saying… but just in case

1) Please unsure the vase you choose is suitable and is able to contain hot water. Otherwise us a suitable container and then transfer to your vase.
2) Based on some of the law suites out there, I feel it is my duty to warn you. Hot water is HOT!!! You can burn yourself, so handle with care! 
3) And of course, make sure you have a vase!  
4) Inspect, inspect inspect. Flowers can becomes homes to earwigs and other icky bugs. You might want to give then a gentle shake, just in case. Ugh!

So get out there and bring some of the outside in. 

It’s About Bloomin’ Time!

Remember- Do Something That Makes Your Soul Glow!

Some more blooming information!

Warning!!!                                Resolutions!

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