Accidental Birder

  Hey you!  Yes you! Are you a closet birder?  Maybe you want to attract birds but you don’t know how.  Adding some of their floral favourites will encourage our fine feathered friends to visit your garden buffet.  Not  sure what those are? Keep reading.

  Depending on what you grow, the odds are you’ve become an accidental birder, whether it was your intention of not.
Your beautiful blooms have a side hustle. The do more than look pretty for you, they produce nectar, they attract pollinators and if they produce seeds, they will most likely attract different types of birds.

  A bird garden must have are Sunflowers. Sunflower seeds provide food for various types of birds (and humans). The types of birds you attract will depend on your area and what birds are native to that specific location.

  You may get visits from a Finch or two. Maybe even some Chickadees or Cardinals?

Male and Female Finch

  One thing is guaranteed in gardening, if you plant one sunflower plant, you’ll never have to plant another one. If you’ve ever seen these birds dining on a sunflower plant, the seeds go flying EVERYWHERE. The have no table manners 😆 .
Simply leave the seeds where they fall (they also over winter very well)  and you will get loads of sunflower plant the next season.

So remember: If you leave them they will grow!

  While there is nothing wrong with having a bird feeder, I myself do have a few. Why not provide them with some fresh food? You get to enjoy the beauteous blooms, while maybe enjoying a bird serenad at the same time.

Note: If you do have a bird feeder, remember to wash them regularly, also wash your hands after filling them. Birds can carry salmonella.

  While there area lot of plants you can add to your garden. Here are just a few to consider adding to your bird buffet:

  • Aster
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Bachelor Button
  • Coneflower
  • Daisy
  • Zinnias
    Zinnias perfect for your pollinator garden

    We can’t forget about those nectar loving tiny mighties,  the Hummingbirds but that’s a post for another day.

    Did you know flowers that attract birds also attract other pollinators?  This could be the beginning of yet another pollinator garden.

Learn more about pollinators and what attracts them and why we NEED them.
Don’t hesitate about getting those Butterfly kisses, maybe you need to read it to BeeLieve it  or maybe you just want to learn a bit more about them Birds.


Always remember to  Do Something That Makes Your Soul Glow

So tell me… Who’s Your Dahlia?




Some more of my garden visitors:

#whosyourdahlia #dosomethingthatmakesyoursoulglow