It’s All A Burr!!!

Get it… All a burr?????  Sometimes, I’m just too funny for my own good.

Well 2020 seems determined to keep us on our toes. Here it is mid September and for the past month, we the North seem to be getting temperatures we would normally expect in October.   September is supposed to be a reprieve from the humidity of August.  September mentally prepare us the October temperature dip, which of course reminds us that “Winter Is Coming!”.                  Oh well,  I guess mother nature has her own plans.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the 2020 Fall equinox arrives on Tuesday, September 22nd. Say hello to cooler days and less daylight. This of course means that it’s the beginning of the Spring Equinox for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere.

Did You Know: Equinox comes from the Latin words aequi, which means “equal,” and nox, which means “night.” The vernal equinox is considered the first day of spring: finally, the day and night are of equal length. –

As much as I love Fall, I’m not ready to let go of summer yet.  Fall just seemed to sneak up on this year. One day you’re basking in the (warm) sunlight, the next thing you know it’s all  jackets, boots, pumpkin spiced lattes and of course the raking.                                                                                                                                            On a positive note, say hello to beautiful foliage, spectacular colors, maybe even a little Fall hike.

There’s always a few trees that just can’t wait. So all we can do is  go  with the flow. I look forward to the bright, beautiful colors. Maybe this year I’ll actually go out and do a bit more activities .

Just in case you’re walking about looking down. Here’s just a hint of what’s to come… and keep your head up!


My tree is ALWAYS amongst the last trees on my entire street to finally shed it’s leaves.  It’s a huge tree when it’s down to it’s last leaf, my yard can be totally covered. I love the looking at the leaves but I don’t like the clean up. Until recently we would rake and bag those leaves

Now I  leave those leaves,  there other uses for those leaves. If your city does not compost,  those bags all end up in a land fill.  As they degrade they add to green house gases.  There are alternatives to land fill.

So why not leave these leaves. This fall, get out there and take a walk. Enjoy the fresh air and the amazing colors.

Don’t forget that sunshine. We need that vitamin D. It goes without saying that this year has been a very stressful. Don’t stay in because it’s cooler.  We still need to be mindful of our mental health.

Mental Health Matters!

Remember – Do Something To Make Your Soul Glow!

Who’ Your Dahlia

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