Harden Their Hearts!!!

It’s hardening time. 

During this trying time when we are are faced with a new reality, please take a moment to learn about the benefits of gardening to your mental health.

For us zone 5ers, The excitement mounts,  it’s almost planting time.  

Victoria weekend is recognized as the day gardeners gets their groove on. Victoria day is the last Monday preceding May 25.  I know… way to complicate a ham sandwich. 🙂 

Anyyyywaysssss, Victoria weekend, is when most of us 5ers buy and plant our flowers and vegetables but and it’s a big BUT, if you started your seedlings, tubers or rhizomes indoors, you have to prepare them for the big bad world.  You can’t just take them from a controlled environment to the ever changing environment of the  outside world.

Hardening applies to all indoor plants. Failing to prepare your indoor plants can lead to plants being burnt. 

Follow these simple steps to learn how to harden your younglings for their new growing conditions. You’ll be glad you did.

I learned the hard way what happens when you don’t harden your plants before planting them outside. What’s your experience?

Do what makes your soul glow!

Who’s Your DahliaIt’s About BloominTime!