It’s Spring time – Earth Day 2020

After Christmas, springtime is my most wonderful time of year.

This spring, like almost everyone, my heart is heavy. Every day we are bombarded with news of the COVID-19 virus, It’s a lot to take in.

If you’re following the guidelines, you are confined to your homes. Leaving only for necessities or exercise. If you follow my blog, you know gardening is a passion for me. If you read my post on gardening and mental health, you will also know that gardening has many benefits to mental health.
Even if you don’t suffer from mental illness, during this time we will all definitely need to do something for our mental health. Some form of exercise should definitely be at the top of your list. Physical activity goes hand in hand with mental.

Over the years, strangers taking their daily walk or driving by have stopped to admire my garden. I garden because it brings me joy. After 8 hours at work and 2 hours in traffic, I loved turning into my driveway. The flowers, the birds, the butterflies, it just made my hear feel so much lighter.  Oh, those days with I turn into my driveway and garden is just a feast for butterflies.  Makes it all the more worth while.

This year I think we need this more than ever. I’ve decided to put even more into my garden. Give people something even more beautiful to look at as they walk by. Something beautiful when we are surrounded by so much negativity.
Size doesn’t matter. You don’t need a yard to garden. You can do it in your apartment and still get the befits of gardening, not to mention the beautiful flowers.

Look around, time stops for no one! We are scared, yet the trees are still budding, the tulips are pushing out of the frozen ground. The crocuses have already started blooming. Soon we’ll see and smell the sweet succulent scents of cherry blossoms and apple blossoms.

Outside is a lot brighter. You can see the blue sky in countries that just last month was blocked out by smog.  The clarity of the water ways in Venice have improved to the point  where the fish and wild life are returning to the city.

Things you walked by and never paid attention to suddenly take on a different meaning You know the old saying “Stop and smell the roses”, well if you never have, you should stop and smell those blossoms!

So why not give it a go? It can be just one pot. Why not start with a Begonias? Maybe a Geranium or two?

There are so many to chose from you can’t go wrong.

So go ahead, get dirty. Run your fingers through the dirt.
In the words, “Let’s get planting!!!!”

So, on this 50th anniversary of Earth day, what do you want to try?

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