Gardening with Cleo – The Series

I love cats. We are there to cater to them and they do us the favor of allowing us! Unlike dogs who always seem to be happy to see you, cats seem to decide, probably on a minute by minute basis, whether you should be so lucky.

It’s been two years since our diva of all divas, Sakura, developed feline cancer and we had to put her to sleep. I was shocked at how much it affected me, I mean after all she was just a cat right. Apparently not! She was a member of the family. She always came to meet me when I pulled into the driveway. We won’t mention the fact that she would just plop herself down in the middle of the driveway as I pulled in and refuse to move. I miss that. She would jump on my lap, make herself comfortable whether or not I had something there or not. Of course she would do this while looking me straight in the face as I complained. We would stay like this while I read, drank my tea, coffee or glass or wine. We had an understanding, she meowed and we jumped.

Last year we decided to get a new cat for my youngest daughter. Since their cats came from a no kill shelter, we went to the local pet shop. Once there, we had a choice of 3, they were about 3 months old and one in particular took a keen interest in my daughter. While the other two were chilling and watching her, this kitten kept jumping about, sticking her paws out following my daughter around the cage and trying to play with her. It must have been kismet, right.

Since everyone at the pet store agreed that she chose my daughter, it was decided we would choose her. We should have known what to expect. Cleo did warn us!

The next few months to say the least were very interesting. It’s been a while since we’ve had a young cat in our home. She did NOT listen, went out of her way to show us she had a hearing impediment. The energy was amazing/exhausting to watch. Christmas was an interesting experiment.

While we gagged, Cleo seemed to laughed at the smell of cat repellant, sneezed when she sniffed cayenne pepper but remained wherever she was not supposed to be.

I purchased a new batch of “non-breakable” Christmas decorations because I knew Cleo would destroy my glass ones. I will admit that I have been dying to try a new color scheme on my Christmas tree but I could not justify the expense. Cleo, bless her heart, gave me the guilt free way of doing it?

Fast forward to springtime, the time of the year I most look forward too because it means no more winter and I’ll soon be outside in my garden!

I started my spring countdown as I usually do and then I start my Dahlias indoors, I’m greedy that way. I like to have them flower as early as possible AND for as long as possible. As usual I placed some of my nursery pot in my bay window, I was good this year and did not take over the dining table as my kids have come to expect but it was still early, that could have changed.

Speaking of change, like most cats, Cleo likes to go sit  and look out  the window.  Knowing that I made sure the cat would have NO place to sit, NO place to stand, NO place to walk. Sorry at least I thought I did!

This damn cat was not to be stopped from going to her spot. (Of course she did it when I was out.) My daughter her human avatar captured this shot.

There she was gingerly stepping in and on my nursery pots as she tried to find a place to sit to get her outside view.

Well she showed me!

Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Bloomin Time!