The Monarch

I’m done. It was a long day at work.

Then I had to deal with those people,  those people who drove. You know those  people, the ones  who possess a diver’s  licence but really should not have one.

Thank you God, I’m finally home. Helloooo Friday! Glass of wine on the deck  for madame? Well, yes.  I don’t mind if I do!

I backed into my driveway and glanced to my left. I saw a small movement but continued to back into the driveway. I saw a bit more movement. I perked  up as I realized that I had 2 butterflies on my Smarty dahlia.

To say I was excited was an understatement. I usually have just one , just the idea of capturing 2 at the same time, was like arrrrggggghhhhhh!!!! Get Out Of My Way!!!!!.

What I do get is a lot of is honey bees. Love them, have to nourish them because we need them.  I planted flowers to attract the honey bees but I also wanted to attract butterflies. So this was my treasure at the end of the rainbow.

Why we need the buzz!

That day of all days, my son decided to leave his bike on the walkway to my front door. Not that I’m clumsy but I had to navigate my way around that blue bicycle, just to make sure I didn’t trip over any pedals or handles. Nothing must stop me from getting to my camera! I must capture this !

OK! I made it inside, took off my 2 in heels, grabbed my camera and made my barefoot journey back outside.

As I got close to the Smarty, I realized that I have I had not, 2 , not 3 but about 6… 6 Monarch butterflies in my front yard. AT THE SAME TIME, IN THE SAME PLACE. AND!!!! IN MY YARD!!!! . But wait, as I recorded the video, I saw more of them. Hidden between the leaves and on other flowers.   I don’t know how many but I didn’t care. The were here!

That’s right in MY yard!!! How awesome is  that?  Pretty Darn  Awesome!!!

I had to capture this, who knew when it would happen again.

The fly from Zinnias to Black Eyed Suzy to Dahlias and I am just in heaven.
It’s beautiful and it’s peaceful. and I LOVE it!

Had another new little visitor this year. First time I’ve seen this little blue beauty.

The white butterfly!!!

I’ve been trying to take pictures of the different species of birds and butterflies that come into my yard.  So far I’ve captured 3 but there is a 4th. Everyday he comes by, everyday!!! He taunts me, he refuses the nectar from my dahlias. And darn it! He never sits still long enough for me to snap a picture. He just flies around my yard and then leaves, sometimes he’ll bring a date. He’ll stop on a dandelion flower then go on merry way. He must be the wild cousin 🙂 of the Monarch. I’ll get you one day.


Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Blooming Time!

Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                Start Dahlia’s from cutting 


Cut Flowers                                                       Dahlia in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                   What’s The Buzz