Starting Dahlias From Cuttings!

Do you wish you had one (or two, or three 🙂 ) more  of your favorite Dahlia.  Maybe just one of your tubers made it over the winter storage.  I’m here to tell you that, in this case, you most certainly can have your cake and eat it to!

This is where cuttings come in.  From one tuber you can harvest numerous cuttings. Some gardeners do this just to have extra (as we all know you can never have too many Dahlias, don’t listen to those people, what do they know!!!).

For others it may be a method used to harvest Dahlias for sale purposes.  I just do it because I’m greedy. 🙂

All you need are gardening soil, bone meal and root simulator. C’est tout! That’s all!

Here’s what you need to do in simple steps:

  1. Cut the shoot at the base, (where it’s connected to the tuber). I like to take a little piece of the tuber when I make my cutting, however that is not absolutely necessary.
  2. Dip the shoot in water.
  3. Dip the shoot on the root simulator, shaking off any excess powder.
  4. Place in the gardening soil.
  5. Water.  Since this is not a tuber, you don’t have to worry about rot. The soil should be wet, not muddy. Remember this is a new plant and there are no roots, so we want to make it easy for the cutting to drink.
  6. Check the moisture of the soil daily. do not let it dry out. Your cutting should start to root in a few days.

In this video, my tuber was already set in a nursery pot.  This is because I only realized after the fact that my other tubers were no longer viable. This made it rather awkward to cut but i did it. 🙂

If your plan is to use your tuber for cuttings, don’t set them in a nursery pot. Use a something that is maybe 5 to 7 inches high. That makes it easier to harvest the cuttings. Remember the tubers do not have to be completely covered.


Have no fear,  cuttings are here to save the day!:

Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Blooming Time!

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Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                Dahlias in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                   What’s The Buzz
