
OK, most folks make a new year. I also do my spring resolution for every upcoming spring.

This spring is no different. Well, if I’m gonna be honest, I actually start making my spring resolutions in the fall.
It’s usually when I have to dig out and prepare all those bloody dahlias tubers for storage. What the heck was I thinking? OMG!!! I have too many. I need to get rid of some of them. My back, my legs, my fingers. That’s it, I’m getting rid of some of them. I have way to many.

  1. I will not buy any more tubers. I have enough! I don’t need anymore!
  2. I will not increase the size of my flower bed. Why? Because I have enough tubers. I don’t need anymore
  3. I will not buy anymore tubers!
  4. I will plants more wild flowers to help out those hard working bees.
  5. Find a giant white Zinnia.
  6. Pay more attention to my Roses.
  7. Calla Lillie’s Sucks!!! Well only because I have no luck with them, they seem to be jealous of the Dahlias and refuse to give me more than one flower for the season but I love them so much that I keep trying. :(.
  8. Do not buy anymore tubers!

Alright, I hang my head in shame. So I failed. Numbers 1,3 and 8 have gone the way of the Dodo birds but it was not my fault.

My Kelvin Floodlight

and Thomas Jefferson,

did not make it through the winter hibernation. Sooo…. I had to do it. I had to get other tubers. Come on LOOK AT THEM!!!  How could I not put them back?  This year I will actually plant them together. I can’t wait to see the contrast.

There is always a possibility that there may be some slippage in the near future but I have faith in me (not) to not purchase (buy it, buy it) any more Dahlias. I have enough after all 😉

Who’s Your Dahlia – It’s About Blooming Time!

Wanna know more? Check out our website

Some more blooming information!

Start Dahlias Indoors                                Start Dahlia’s from cutting 


Cut Flowers                                                       Dahlia in Containers


Butterfly Dreams                   What’s The Buzz